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छ्येलेमि खँलाबँला:Verdy p

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ज्वजलपा Verdy pजु! विकिपिडियाय् छित लसकुस दु। छिगु योगदानया निंति सुभाय् देछाना च्वना । छिं थ्व थाय् यहेका दि व थ्व थासय् छिगु योगदान दया च्वनि धैगु भलसा जिं कया। छित ग्वहालि जुइफुगु छुं पौस क्वय् ब्वया तगु दु:

छिं बाँलाक्क सम्पादन यानादी‌ व छम्ह विकिपिडियामि जुइयादि धैगु भलसा कया! कृपा याना खँलाबँला पतिइ सम्पादन यानादीबिले (च्वसु पतिइ मखु) प्यंगु तिल्दे (~~~~) छ्यला हस्ताक्षर यानादिसँ। थुकिलिं छिगु छ्य्‌लामि नां व छिगु सम्पादनया तिथि थःमंतुं क्यनि व मेमेपिं छ्य्‌लामितेत ग्वाहालि याइ। छित ग्वहालि माःसा विकिपिडिया:न्ह्यसःय् स्वापू तयादिसँ, वा जिके , वा छिगु खँलाबँला पतिइ न्ह्येसः न्येना व पतिइ न्ह्येसः न्ह्य {{ग्वहालि}} चिं तयादिसँ। हानं छक, लसकुस!----EukeshBot १५:०६, २ मे २०१० (UTC)[reply]

Why did you create this page? I have never contributed to this wiki before, and did not intend to receive any emails from here.
The automated account creation, (including the authorization to write me emails that I NEVER gave here) in order to create this page is a severe bug of your robot, and then your robot that created this page is SPAMMING !!!
A mere visit on this wiki, just because of SUL (while checking the existence of pages) is NOT an authorization, just a visit.
you should habe NOT created such a page for users that NEVER created such a page and never contributed to your wiki.
Don't forget that LOTS of people can't read NepalBhasa at all, and can't even translate it; if you really created this page, please translate the template above by putting it in a box, with links to alternate localizations.
Shame on you. — Verdy_p (preferred languages: fr, en) ००:२३, ४ मे २०१० (UTC)

लसकुस टेम्प्लेटय् भ्याण्डलिजम[सम्पादन]

छिं लसकुस टेम्प्लेटय् यानादिगु ज्यायात थ्व विकिपिडियाय् भ्याण्डलिजमया रुपय् काःगु दु। थ्व भ्याण्डलिजमयात छिं निरन्तरता बियादिल धाःसा छिगु खाता थ्व विकिइ अवरोधित जुइ। (The edits1 2) that you have made in the welcome template is considered vandalism. Your account will be blocked if you continue with the same. Thank you.--Eukesh ११:३७, ४ मे २०१० (UTC)[reply]

What ???? It was clearly not vandalism! I just replied to a message you posted here using the normal interface. Your template post was bogous, and I'm not responsible of this. You should not send message to people using a template that contains an edit link on the section !
My comment was intended to be on MY user page. Correct your template. And stop sending welcomes like this to accounts on wikis that I had never visited before, because I do not want to receive mails from a wiki on which I cannot even reply in English because all characters are converted to another unrelated script. Your wiki is bogous, and your reaction above is also abusive if you can't understand the real problems.
Many other people will reply to your "welcome" message (by your EukeshBot, which posted the template here on 2 May 2010 before I made any edit on this wiki and before I had setup a true account and my preferred language two days later on 4 May 2010 after I had received an unsollicited email from this wiki written in a language I cannot read; so your bot was abusive) posted on their user page the same way I did, and they are NOT vandals. Please stop sending such unfriendly alert when the problem is in the template here, and in the abusive bots that post these messages on wikis to which users had NEVER contitrubted before and that should NEVER have received any email from a wiki they had definitely NOT authorized in their user account (a simple read-only visit may create an account dur to SUL, this does not mean that these users must be welcomed. Stop your abusive bot and correct your template !
Please also correct your wiki so that when typing in English, even when our user account is setup with Latin-written language preference (my default language is French here). The transliteration applied to everyone without any way to disable it is also a major problem, requiring to copy-paste text from an external editor to reply correctly.
I just noticed the check-box with CTRL+M, but it had no clear label, and it is not even translated to English (it's label in newari is not explicit, it should not be visible in newari when users have setup their account to use another language and it should be off by default for everyone ; transliteration should not be activated when replying to a message posted here as many user swill want to reply using another language).
Visibly, you don't know the distinction between what is vandalism and what is problems caused by this wiki and by your bot. You did not even read what I post before threatening me, and you did not even try to contact me on my regular wiki after I replied to your welcome : I had explicitly setup my account and my user page here before making these edits; so your threat of "vandalism" is not v, completely unjustified; you should better work on correct your bot so that it will NOT post welcome messages just based on a database extraction made by an automated SUL account creation, when I may have just visited this wiki to ckeck the existence and validity of interwiki links, in a pure read-only accesss). My history is clear, you made an error with this accusation of vandalism. Before sending such accusation, you should take time to correct the issues that my messages have revealed to you concerning your bot, and this local wiki. Otherwise you'll continue threatening the rest of the Wikimedia community that are not guilty of making unexpected edits in badly designed tempaltes and by unfair use of bots like yours.
Note that I am NOT alone to complain about your bot (you have also sent similar accusations to other peoples making the same kind of errors as me, because they could not understand how this wiki works, because it is not enough translated, because it uses an unfriendly and confusive interface, and because you' sollicitated them first with your bot...), but you continue ignoring it, and continue accusing them of spamming/vandalism when they just attempt to alert you. If you continue this threat I will complain about your Bit status to the international Wikimedia Foundation. Your threatening attitude is not excusable. Stop accusing people of spamming/vandalims, when they are fairly complaining about these welcome messages using an unfair format to which they cannot reply correctly in their own language. You also want to ignore the fact that they don't speak Newari, and don't want to receive emails in this language, before they ahave made at least ONE edit (notably creating their own user page and setting up their preferred language).
Stop your stupid "welcome" bot.' Because it does not check that people actually understand Newari (by looking at people history to see if they edited something on their user page or talk page, or any article or template. Normally the first thing that people do before writing on a wiki is to setup their preferred language, then create their user page stating which language they understand (and which they don't). Then your bot may welcome them, but at least these people will have already instructed the wiki on their user preference to NOT send any email, and will have said which home wiki can be used to contact them.
Really this is your bot that is spamming us (really spamming: unsollicitated automated massive amounts of emails sent to random people : this is the definition of spam), and definitely not us. Such bots have already been signaled to the international Wikimedia and they have been all urged to stop because they are damaging to the project.
Verdy_p (preferred languages: fr, en) १६:११, १३ मे २०१३ (UTC)[reply]
Sorry for this very late reply, but I had not revisited this wiki in the last 3 years, so I did not notice your alert. Anyway you did not even attempt to read what I wrote, or my user page here that says explicitly that I want replied in English or French, and where to contact me (you may use an automatic translator, I will attempt to understand even if it's not perfect, but visibly you know how to write me in English: proof from you above !). — Verdy_p (preferred languages: fr, en) १७:२४, १३ मे २०१३ (UTC)[reply]